I.G.T. Costa Toscana
This wine is the result of Tenuta di Ghizzano research and innovation. It was first made in 1996, using merlot grapes, and has evolved over the years into a blend together with cabernet franc and petit verdot, demonstrating the potency, warmth and character that our terroir can express. it is named after the founder of the Venerosi family, whose name was Nambrot and who lived in 830.
45.00 €
60.00 €
97.00 €
114.00 €
195.00 €
208.00 €
224.00 €
Tenuta di Ghizzano - Via della Chiesa, 4 - 56037 Ghizzano di Peccioli (Pisa) - Tel: +39 0587 630096 - Email: info@tenutadighizzano.com - PIVA 01892770502
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